Energy Is Conserved

Energy Is Conserved


One of my greatest, most explanatory, and most useful scientific discoveries came when I first realized that Syntropy is the Conservation of Energy – in other words, Syntropy is the First Law of Thermodynamics.  This was the capstone to everything else that I had discovered so far.

Of course, I’m not the first scientist to have discovered the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Energy.  However, I might be the first scientist on the planet to have discovered Syntropy and its significance in the overall scheme of things.

OBSERVATION: The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Atheists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, and Classical Physicists teach that ONLY physical matter or entropy exists.

Do you fully realize and understand what that means?

It means that these people ERRONEOUSLY teach that physical matter and entropy are conserved!

These people literally equate Conservation of Energy with the conservation of physical matter and entropy; and, that’s how these people destroy Science.  These people make NO distinction whatsoever between physical matter, entropy, energy, conservation, and the First Law of Thermodynamics.  These people literally teach that entropy is conserved – that entropy is eternal and everlasting.

The Physicalists and Scientific Naturalists literally teach that physical matter and entropy are eternal and everlasting.  Do they not?  These people literally teach that entropy is irreversible and everlasting.  Do they not?  These people literally teach that ONLY physical matter or entropy exists.  Do they not?  These people literally teach that physical matter and entropy are conserved.

And, there’s where they fall down never to recover ever again.  These people teach that entropy or death is eternal and everlasting.  They teach that entropy or death is conserved.  They teach that entropy or death is the First Law of Thermodynamics.  Do they not?  Yes, they do.  That’s exactly what they teach.  They teach that entropy or death is conserved.

WOW!  When I saw that and understood that, instantly everything became clear to me!  These people ERRONEOUSLY teach that physical matter, entropy, and death are conserved.  These people ERRONEOUSLY teach that physical matter, entropy, and death are eternal and everlasting.

They are wrong!

Physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved!  Locality and entropy come and go as physical matter comes and goes.  Locality is associated with space, and entropy is associated with time.  Space-time comes and goes as physical matter comes and goes.  Physical matter, space-time, locality, and entropy are NOT conserved!  Their quantity changes over time according to the physical laws or the physical restrictions that are being imposed upon Raw Energy by God.

Energy is Syntropy.  It’s the Energy or the Syntropy that’s actually being conserved according to the First Law of Thermodynamics.  It’s the Energy or the Syntropy that’s eternal and everlasting – NOT the physical matter and NOT the entropy.  Energy is an invisible, immaterial, intangible, non-physical force, or field.  Energy is Syntropy.  Energy, Psyche, Syntropy, or Life is being conserved, while physical matter and entropy are not.  Remember, Energy or Syntropy is being conserved, NOT physical matter and entropy; and, there you have the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

Physical matter and entropy are NEVER conserved.  This should be engraven in stone as one of the Laws of Thermodynamics!  Physical matter and entropy are NEVER conserved.

Physical matter is organized energy, entropic energy, limited energy, localized energy, restricted energy, frozen energy, physicalized energy, or energy that has been limited to space-time.  Physical matter, or entropy, or locality, or space-time comes and goes as God sees fit.  They are NOT conserved.  We humans make new physical matter in our particle accelerators or atom smashers; and, we humans destroy physical matter and the associated locality and entropy in our atomic bombs.  Physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved.  They are NOT eternal and everlasting!  Entropy and death are NOT conserved – they are not eternal and everlasting.  The conservation of entropy is the illusion, and not the reality.

Physical matter and entropy are NOT the only thing that exists!  Remove the physical limitations from physical matter, and it goes back to being Raw Energy or Syntropy.  Energy is Syntropy.  Syntropy or Energy is conserved, NOT the physical matter or entropy.

Energy or Syntropy can take on many different FORMS, including psyche, invisible forces and fields, entropy, gravity, magnetism, electricity, quantum waves, dark energy, the zero-point field, the strong and weak nuclear forces, visible and invisible light, spirit matter or dark matter, and physical matter.  Physical matter or entropy is simply one FORM of Energy.  Physical matter is entropic energy or localized energy.  Remember, physical matter or entropy is simply one FORM of Energy.  The FORM is never conserved!  The FORM changes over time.  It’s the underlying Energy or Syntropy that is being conserved, and NOT the FORM.

Energy or Syntropy is conserved, NOT physical matter and entropy.  Entropy is a FORM of Energy or Syntropy.  Entropy is NOT conserved.  Its amount and its existence changes over time.  This is very good news!  Physical matter is a FORM of Energy or Syntropy.  Physical matter is NOT conserved.  Its amount and its existence changes over time.  Physical matter and entropy are a FORM of Energy, which means that physical matter and entropy are NEVER conserved!  The FORM is never conserved.

Entropy is a FORM of Energy.  The FORM of the Energy is never conserved.  Energy or Syntropy can take on many different FORMS.  Psyche, Intelligence, or Life is a FORM of Energy or Syntropy.  So is spirit matter and physical matter.  In fact, Psyche or Intelligence IS Energy or Syntropy; and, Psyche or Syntropy FORMS the basis for everything else.  Entropy is death.  The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics states that entropy or death is NEVER conserved, while the underlying Psyche or Syntropy is always conserved.  This Reality explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed, does it not?

Entropy is like a clock that measures the passage of time.  The clock comes and goes as God sees fit.  Entropy and Locality are simply a FORM of Energy.  Space-time is simply a FORM of Energy.  Physical matter is simply a FORM of Energy.  Physical matter and entropy can be changed into a different FORM of Energy whenever God desires to do so.  Entropy is NOT conserved.  Entropy is NOT eternal and everlasting!  The amount of entropy or death comes and goes as God sees fit, while the underlying Energy, Syntropy, or Psyche is always conserved.  The FORM of Energy is constantly changing while the underlying Energy, Psyche, or Syntropy is always conserved.  This is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  Is it not?

When I finally realized that it’s the Energy, the Psyche, the Intelligence, or the Syntropy that’s being conserved, and NOT the physical matter or entropy, instantly everything became clear to me.  Finally, I had the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  This just might be the GREATEST scientific discovery of ALL TIME.  It certainly was for me.

Mark My Words