Invisible Forces and Fields

Invisible Forces and Fields

The day science begins to study non­physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. — Nikola Tesla ​

Wind is an invisible force that we can’t see directly with our physical eyes.

So, how do we know that it exists?

We know that the wind exists by the effect that it has on physical matter.  We can feel that it exists by the effect that it has on our skin and hair.

Gravity and magnetism are a couple of invisible, immaterial, supernatural, non-physical forces or fields that we can’t see directly with our physical eyes nor detect directly with our physical instruments.

So, how do we know that they exist?

We know that gravity and magnetism exist by the effects that they have on physical matter.  The effects that they have on physical matter is undeniable.  However, the very existence of gravity and magnetism – the proven and verified existence of gravity and magnetism – falsifies the claims of Materialism and Naturalism which state that such supernatural, invisible, non-physical forces and fields do not exist.

Likewise, Dark Energy, Quantum Waves, Quantum Mechanisms, Action at a Distance, and the Human Psyche are invisible, immaterial, supernatural, non-physical forces or fields that we can’t see directly with our physical eyes nor detect directly with our physical instruments.

So, how do we know that they exist?

We know that they exit by the effects that they have on physical matter.  Action at a Distance, Quantum Tunneling, and the effects of the Human Psyche have been caught in the act by the observable influence that they have on physical matter.  The proven and verified existence of Quantum Mechanics or Transdimensional Physics FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives.

Entropy is one more of those invisible forces or fields or phenomena that we can’t see directly with our physical eyes, nor can we detect it directly with our physical instruments.

So, how do we know that it exists?

We know that it exists by the effects that it has on physical matter.  We see things running down all around us.  The increasing disorder, corruption, and decay is impossible to deny.

Likewise, Syntropy is yet another of those invisible forces or fields or phenomena that we can’t see directly with our physical eyes, nor can we detect it directly with our physical instruments.

So, how do we know that it exists?

We know that Syntropy exists because entropy exists.  Entropy wouldn’t have been possible without a huge infusion of Syntropy and Order at the beginning of our physical universe.

Logical.  Simple.  Parsimonious.  True.

The Syntropy had to come from the Quantum Realm, or the Syntropy Realm, or the Psyche Realm because there doesn’t seem to be any observable Syntropy within physical matter.  Physical matter only seems capable of collecting entropy.  Physical matter doesn’t seem to be capable of producing Syntropy.

Instead, Syntropy seems to be an inherent part of Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Mechanisms, Transdimensional Physics, Psyche, Non-Local Consciousness, Intelligence, Dark Matter or Spirit Matter, God, and Love – eternal and everlasting, without a beginning of days or an end of years.  Syntropy seems to be the original primal state of existence; and, it’s the physical matter which is the anomaly in all of this.

Gravity, Magnetism, the Strong Nuclear Force, the Weak Nuclear Force, the Zero-Point Field, Dark Energy, Quantum Waves, Quantum Mechanisms, Action at a Distance, and the Human Psyche ARE all manifestations of Syntropy.  Even entropy is a manifestation of Syntropy.  The only thing that doesn’t seem to fit within this paradigm is physical matter.  Physical matter seems to be the very manifestation of entropy.  How fascinating is that?

Do you see what becomes possible by choosing to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence and then pursuing a preponderance of that evidence?  We find ourselves approaching Truth or Syntropy.

Mark My Words



Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.